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Taranis Q X7
Docker Build Environment
A build is only fully supported with some debian environments (see OpenTX 2.2 Linux Build Instructions). Using docker to solve this for opensuse:
sudo zypper in docker sudo systemctl start docker sudo usermod joachim -a -G docker
Create docker image
Opened issue to get rid of the sed requirement below
tag="2.3" pcb="XLITES" opts="-DGVARS=YES -DLUA=YES -DLUA_COMPILER=YES -DHELI=NO -DDEBUG=NO -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release" git clone --recursive cd opentx git checkout "$tag" cd radio/util sed -i 's@/debian/pool@/debian-archive/debian/pool@' Dockerfile docker build -t "opentx-$tag" . cd - mkdir "build-$pcb" docker run -v "$PWD:/opentx" -e "OPENTX_VERSION_SUFFIX=$tag" -w "/opentx/build-$pcb" opentx cmake -DPCB="$pcb" $opts ../ docker run -v "$PWD:/opentx" -e "OPENTX_VERSION_SUFFIX=$tag" -w "/opentx/build-$pcb" opentx make firmware