Project TTN Daten in InfluxDB für Grafana

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Flexible Visualization of TTN Data

This page describes installing Grafana and InfluxDB on openSuse 42.2. It also describes how to configure apache 2.4 to recieve data from a Things Network applications HTTP integration and store it in an InfluxDB database. Finally it shows how to create a Grafana dashboard to display the data from the InfluxDB.

Installing InfluxDB

Here is the Download Portal Currently, it tells me to ```

zypper install influxdb-1.7.9.x86_64.rpm

``` It warns about missing package shadow-util. This is named shadow and is installed on openSuse -> ignore.

For later versions of openSuse, Influx Installation Documentation suggests using a repository:

``` zypper ar -f obs://devel:languages:go/ go zypper in influxdb ```

Configure InfluxDB
