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Die Befehle, die meine aktuell installierten Plugins unterstützen.
Use /help [n] to get page n of help. Aliases: Lists command aliases Bukkit: All commands for Bukkit CommandBook: All commands for CommandBook CommandHelper: All commands for CommandHelper CraftBookCircuits: All commands for CraftBookCircuits CraftBookCommon: All commands for CraftBookCommon CraftBookMechanisms: All commands for CraftBookMechanisms CraftBookVehicles: All commands for CraftBookVehicles dynmap: All commands for dynmap LWC: All commands for LWC WorldEdit: All commands for WorldEdit WorldGuard: All commands for WorldGuard
/.s: [args...] - Execute last CraftScript //: [on|off] - Toggle the super pickaxe pickaxe function //center: <block> - Set the center block(s) //chunk: Set the selection to your current chunk. //clearhistory: Clear your history //contract: <amount> [reverse-amount] [direction] - Contract the selection area //copy: Copy the selection to the clipboard //count: <block> - Counts the number of a certain type of block //cut: [leave-id] - Cut the selection to the clipboard //cyl: <block> <radius>[,<radius>] [height] - Generates a cylinder. //deform: <expression> - Deforms a selected region with an expression //desel: Deselect the current selection //distr: Get the distribution of blocks in the selection //drain: <radius> - Drain a pool //ex: [radius] - Extinguish nearby fire //expand: <amount> [reverse-amount] <direction> - Expand the selection area //faces: <block> - Build the walls, ceiling, and floor of a selection //fast: [on|off] - Toggle fast mode //fill: <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole //fillr: <block> <radius> [depth] - Fill a hole recursively //fixlava: <radius> - Fix lava to be stationary //fixwater: <radius> - Fix water to be stationary //flip: [dir] - Flip the contents of the clipboard. //generate: <block> <expression> - Generates a shape according to a formula. //gmask: [mask] - Set the global mask //green: [radius] - Greens the area //hcyl: <block> <radius>[,<radius>] [height] - Generates a hollow cylinder. //help: [<command>] - Displays help for the given command or lists all commands. //hollow: [<thickness>[ <block>]] - Hollows out the object contained in this selection //hpos1: Set position 1 to targeted block //hpos2: Set position 2 to targeted block //hpyramid: <block> <size> - Generate a hollow pyramid //hsphere: <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?] - Generates a hollow sphere. //inset: <amount> - Inset the selection area //limit: <limit> - Modify block change limit //load: <filename> - Load a schematic into your clipboard //move: [count] [direction] [leave-id] - Move the contents of the selection //naturalize: 3 layers of dirt on top then rock below //outset: <amount> - Outset the selection area //overlay: <block> - Set a block on top of blocks in the region //paste: Paste the clipboard's contents //pos1: [coordinates] - Set position 1 //pos2: [coordinates] - Set position 2 //pyramid: <block> <size> - Generate a filled pyramid //redo: [times] [player] - Redoes the last action (from history) //regen: Regenerates the contents of the selection //removeabove: [size] [height] - Remove blocks above your head. //removebelow: [size] [height] - Remove blocks below you. //removenear: <block> [size] - Remove blocks near you. //replace: [from-block] <to-block> - Replace all blocks in the selection with another //replacenear: <size> <from-id> <to-id> - Replace nearby blocks //rotate: <angle-in-degrees> - Rotate the contents of the clipboard //save: <filename> - Save a schematic into your clipboard //schematic: Schematic-related commands //searchitem: <query> - Search for an item //sel: [cuboid|extend|poly|ellipsoid|sphere|cyl] - Choose a region selector //set: <block> - Set all the blocks inside the selection to a block //setbiome: <biome> - Sets the biome of the player's current block or region. //shift: <amount> [direction] - Shift the selection area //size: Get information about the selection //smooth: [iterations] - Smooth the elevation in the selection //snow: [radius] - Simulates snow //sphere: <block> <radius>[,<radius>,<radius>] [raised?] - Generates a filled sphere. //stack: [count] [direction] - Repeat the contents of the selection //thaw: [radius] - Thaws the area //toggleplace: Switch between your position and pos1 for placement //undo: [times] [player] - Undoes the last action //walls: <block> - Build the four sides of the selection //wand: Get the wand object
/afk: Set yourself as away /alias: Create an alias /allowfire: [<world>] - Allows all fire spread temporarily /area: Toggle area commands /ascend: [# of levels] - Go up a floor
/back: Set yourself as back /ban: [-t end ] <target> [reason...] - Ban a user /ban-ip: Prevents the specified IP address from using this server /baninfo: <target> - Check if a user is banned /banlist: View all players banned from this server /bans: Ban management /barrage: [target] - Send a barrage of arrows /biome: [player] - Get your current biome /biomeinfo: Get the biome of the targeted block. /biomelist: [page] - Gets all biomes available. /bring: <target> - Bring a player to you /broadcast: <message...> - Broadcast a message /brush: Brush tool /butcher: [radius] - Kill all or nearby mobs
/cadmin: Administrate LWC /call: <target> - Request a teleport /callowexplosions: Flag to allow a given protection to explode from explosions. /cannon: [target] - Send a ball of fire to a face /cauldron: Commands to manage the Craftbook Cauldron /cautoclose: Flag a door to automatically close after 3 seconds (configurable.) /cbcircuits: Handles the basic Craftbook Circuits commands. /cbmech: Handles the basic Craftbook Mechanism commands. /cbreload: Reloads the CraftBook Common config /cdonation: Creates a chest that can be deposited into, but only removed by player with access. Requires Spout /cdroptransfer: Configure drop transferring (allows you to transfer to a selected chest by dropping items.) /ceil: [clearance] - Go to the celing /cexempt: Toggle protection exemption on an existing protection; disallows it from being removed by -remove, e.g /lwc admin expire -remove 2 weeks /chunkinfo: Get information about the chunk that you are inside /cinfo: View info on an existing protection. /clear: [target] - Clear your inventory /clearclipboard: Clear your clipboard /climits: View your current protection limits. /cmagnet: Enable or disable the magnet flag on an inventory protection, which makes it pick up items automatically around it. /cmdbook: CommandBook commands /cmodify: Modify an existing private protection. /cnospam: Toggle the ability to hide protection creation messages /commandhelper: Used to gain meta information about CommandHelper /compass: [player] - Show your current compass direction /confirm: Confirm an action /cpassword: Create a protection that required a password to access it. /cpersist: Toggle command persistence which allows you to use commands without retyping the command (e.g /cprivate) /cprivate: Create a protection that only you and specific groups or people can access. /cpublic: Create a protection that is accessible by anyone but protectable by no one. /credstone: Enable or disable redstone on a protection /cremove: Remove an existing protection. /cremoveall: Remove all of the protections that you own /cs: <filename> [args...] - Execute a CraftScript /ctnt: Flag to allow a given protection to explode from explosions. /cunlock: Unlock a password-protected protection. /cycler: Block data cycler tool
/debug: Debugging commands /defaultgamemode: Set the default gamemode /delalias: Remove an alias /delchunks: Delete chunks that your selection includes /deltree: Floating tree remover tool /deop: Takes the specified player's operator status /descend: [# of floors] - Go down a floor /difficulty: Sets the game difficulty /dmap: List and modify dynmap configuration /dmarker: Manipulate map markers /dynmap: Controls Dynmap.
/enchant: Adds enchantments to the item the player is currently holding. Specify 0 for the level to remove an enchantment. Specify force to ignore normal enchantment restrictions /enchantments: [-p page] - List available enchantments
/farwand: Wand at a distance tool /firebarrage: [target] - Send a attack of fireballs /floodfill: <pattern> <range> - Flood fill tool /forestgen: [size] [type] [density] - Generate a forest /freeze: <target> - Freeze a player
/gamemode: [player] [gamemode] - Change a player's gamemode /gamerule: Sets a server's game rules /give: [-d] <target> <item[:data]> [amount] - Give an item /god: [player] - Enable godmode on a player
/halt-activity: Attempts to cease as much activity in order to stop lag /heal: [player] - Heal a player /help: Shows the help menu /home: [world] [target] [owner] - Teleport to a home /homes: Home management
/ic: Commands to manage Craftbook IC's /icdocs: Documentation on CraftBook IC's /info: Block information tool /interpreter: Puts your chat into interpreter mode /isbanned: <target> - Check if a user is banned /item: [target] <item[:data][|enchantment:level]> [amount] - Give an item
/jumpto: Teleport to a location
/kick: <target> [reason...] - Kick a user /kill: Commits suicide, only usable as a player /kit: <id> [target] - Get a kit
/listchunks: List chunks that your selection includes /listics: List available IC's /locate: [player] - Locate a player /lock: Lock a block using LWC that only you can access /lrbuild: <leftclick block> <rightclick block> - Long-range building tool /lwc: LWC's hub command to access everything
/mask: [mask] - Set the brush mask /mat: [pattern] - Set the brush material /me: <message...> - Send an action message /more: [player] - Gets more of an item /motd: Show the message of the day /msg: <target> <message...> - Private message a user /mute: <target> - Mute a player
/none: Unbind a bound tool from your current item
/op: Gives the specified player operator status
/pardon: Allows the specified player to use this server /pardon-ip: Allows the specified IP address to use this server /ping: A dummy command /playertime: [filter] <time|"current"> - Get/change a player's time /plugins: Gets a list of plugins running on the server /pong: A dummy command /pumpkins: [size] - Generate pumpkin patches /put: <target> - Put a player at where you are looking
/range: [pattern] - Set the brush range /region: Region management commands /reload: Reloads the server configuration and plugins /reloadaliases: Reloads aliases /reloadics: Reloads the IC config /remove: <type> <radius> - Remove all entities of a type /repeat: Repeat the last command /repl: <block> - Block replacer tool /reply: <message...> - Reply to last user /restore: [snapshot] - Restore the selection from a snapshot /return: [player] - Teleport back to your last location /rocket: [target] - Rocket a player /rules: Show the rules /runalias: If another plugin wants to run a CommandHelper command, it isn't always straightforward to do that, because of the way bukkit works. To get around this, you may use this command. "/runalias /command to run" will fire off the alias "/command to run"
/save-all: Saves the server to disk /save-off: Disables server autosaving /save-on: Enables server autosaving /savearea: Save an area /savensarea: Save an area with a custom namespace /say: <message...> - Send a message /searchics: Search available IC's with names /seed: Shows the world seed /sethome: [owner] [location] - Set a home /setspawn: [location] - Change spawn location /setwarp: <warp> [location] - Set a warp /shock: [target] - Shock a player /size: [pattern] - Set the brush size /slap: [target] - Slap a player /slay: [player] - Slay a player /snapshot: Snapshot commands /spawn: [player] - Teleport to spawn /spawnmob: <mob>[|rider] [count] [location] - Spawn a mob /spawnpoint: Sets a player's spawn point /st: Choose a stop /stack: Stack items /stop: Stops the server /stopfire: [<world>] - Disables all fire spread temporarily /superpickaxe: Select super pickaxe mode
/take: <target> <item[:data]> [amount] - Take an item /teleport: [target] <destination> - Teleport to a location /thor: [target] - Give a player Thor power /thru: Passthrough walls /thunder: <'on'|'off'> [duration] [world] - Change the thunder state /time: [world] <time|"current"> - Get/change the world time /timings: Records timings for all plugin events /toggledownfall: Toggles rain on/off on a given world /toggleeditwand: Toggle functionality of the edit wand /tool: Select a tool to bind /tree: [type] - Tree generator tool
/unban: <target> - Unban a user /unbanip: <target> [reason...] - Unban an IP address /unfreeze: <target> - Unfreeze a player /ungod: [player] - Disable godmode on a player /unlock: Remove a protection that was protected by LWC /unmute: <target> - Unmute a player /unstuck: Escape from being stuck inside a block /unthor: [target] - Revoke a player's Thor power /up: <block> - Go upwards some distance
/version: Gets the version of this server including any plugins in use /viewalias: View all user defined aliases
/warp: [world] [target] <warp> - Teleport to a warp /warps: Warp management /we: WorldEdit commands /weather: <'stormy'|'sunny'> [duration] [world] - Change the world weather /whereami: [player] - Show your current location /whitelist: Prevents the specified player from using this server /who: [filter] - Get the list of online users /whois: [-p page] [player] - Tell information about a player /worldguard: WorldGuard commands
/xp: Gives the specified player a certain amount of experience. Specify <amount>L to give levels instead, with a negative amount resulting in taking levels.